Congratulations are in order for ReACH Lab undergraduate RA, Alexander Rodriguez, after earning a spot in Florida International University’s Medical School MD Program for Fall of 2022! Alexander secured his spot in the program through the Honors College Early Assurance Program, which aims to allow 2nd year undergraduates the opportunity to earn conditional seats in FIU’s medical school. This 8-month process consisted of submitting recommendation letters, personal statements, and applications, as well as conducting an honors college interview and medical school interview. All that is required for Alexander to keep his spot in the MD program is maintaining his GPA and completing the MCAT. Alexander admires FIU’s MD program and their focus on teaching their students “about the social determinants of health and health disparities in different communities,” which aligns with his goals to become a family primary care physician after earning his MD. Alexander hopes to use the knowledge he’ll gain in medical school to “educate the community about health and always administer quality healthcare.” For more information on the Early Assurance Program, please view the video below. Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment Alexander!

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